134: How The Menstrual Cycle Affects Sport Performance: Must-Know Info For Coaches And Athletes

About this podcast

In episode 134, the Professor of Female Endocrinology and Exercise Physiology at Manchester Metropolitan University, Kirsty Elliott-Sale, joins us on the show.

Specifically, Kirsty will be discussing:

  • Impact of the menstrual cycle in sport
  • Key phases and their importance in sport
  • How/whether to adjust training around the menstrual cylce

About Kirsty

“I completed my undergraduate degree and PhD [Exercise Physiology] at Liverpool John Moores University. My PhD examined the effects of female reproductive hormones on muscle strength and since then my work has primarily focused on female athletes. I worked as a Lecturer at Brunel University and the University of Brighton, before undertaking a four-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Kings College London. I worked at Nottingham Trent University between 2009 and 2022. I joined the Institute of Sport at Manchester Metropolitan University this year as a Professor of Female Endocrinology and Exercise Physiology. In addition to my research on female athletes, which includes the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives, the Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, my work in recent years has involved designing and implementing exercise interventions during and following pregnancy in a variety of populations including servicewomen (i.e., military personnel), athletes, and women with obesity. I have co-authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, expert statements, and editorials on/for sportswomen. In addition, I work with many organisations such as the English Institute of Sport, the Football Association, The Australian Institute of Sport, The European Club Association, and The Wu Tsai Performance Alliance and am on several special interest groups and advisory boards related to female athletes.”

Twitter: @ElliottSale

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