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Force-Time Characteristics of the Countermovement Jump

Countermovement Jump (CMJ)

Owen Walker

The countermovement jump (CMJ) is a simple, practical, valid, and very reliable measure of lower-body power.

30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

Owen Walker

The 30-15 IFT measures aerobic and anaerobic capacity, change of direction qualities, and ability to recover during intermittent exercise.

Basic movement patterns

Basic Movement Patterns

Owen Walker

Basic exercise movement patterns are exercise classifications that are the foundations of exercise selection.

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Eric Curry

This week in the world of sports science, here’s what happened…compression garments, fixing rounded shoulders, omega-3s & athletic performance

VALD DynaMo: Handheld Dynamometers and Inclinometers 


VALD’s DynaMo supports data-informed decision-making for training, injury prehabilitation and rehabilitation.

Is Morning The Best Time To Train?

Eric Curry

In this week’s sports science news, early morning training, caffeine in rugby sevens, the bent-over row exercise