Sit and Reach Test
The sit and reach test is used to evaluate the degree of movement available at both the hamstring and lower back.
The sit and reach test is used to evaluate the degree of movement available at both the hamstring and lower back.
Women in sports is becoming a topic clubs and coaches need to be more aware of. But while female participation in soccer (football) is booming, much less is known about the strength and conditioning (S&C) support that females get in comparison to males.
Youth development is highly complex and involves multiple key stakeholders. But how can coaches, teachers and youth athletes themselves best work together?
Despite the plethora of research surrounding talent identification, few studies, if any, have investigated if successful players make consistent improvements in their performance, or start and remain on top of the talent pool.
Early specialisation is one of the hottest debates in youth development circles. But what is all the fuss about, and which path is preferable?
An investigation of the asymmetries present in young tennis players during a fitness testing battery.
Does bilateral and unilateral training enhance performance characteristics, and which training method is potentially more effective.
The effects of a block periodised model (BLOCK) versus daily undulating periodisation (DUP) on both anthropometric and physical qualities.
How multidirectional plyometrics impact jump height, change of direction, and dynamic postural control in young children.
This review looks at the effectiveness of a 6-week neck strength programme for the prevention of neck, head and concussion injuries.
What the kids have to say early sport specialisation Your weekly research review Contents of Research Review Background & Objective What They Did What They Found Practical Takeaways Reviewer’s Comments About the Reviewer … Read more
Bio-banding is a way of grouping athletes based on physical maturity, but what do the athletes themselves think of it?
How general and soccer specific motor coordination and performance changes in relation to chronological age and maturation status.
How a parent’s involvement in sport as a child athlete is related to the level of competitive sport attained by their children.
Early specialisation is when a child focuses on training and development in one sport only, but there are downsides.
Learn from a world-class coach how you can improve your athletes' agility. This course also includes a practical coaching guide to help you to design and deliver your own fun and engaging agility sessions.
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