Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis

A needs analysis is the process of determining what qualities are necessary for the athlete, the sport, or a combination of both.


A well-planned warm-up can prepare athletes physically and mentally but also reduce the likelihood of injury and improve performance.

Compression Garments

Compression garments remain a recommended tool for promoting recovery and therefore influencing subsequent performance.


Agility is one of the most important physical traits in sport, but must not be confused with change of direction.

Olympic Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting is a common component in strength and conditioning programmes and has been shown to enhance athletic performance.


Plyometrics Credits Infographic: Yann Le Meur (Twitter: @YLMSportScience) Study: Booth & Orr (2016) [PubMed] See the article Plyometrics training for more information.

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a simple self-manual therapy technique often used to improve flexibility, recovery, and athletic performance.

Rate of Force Development (RFD)

The Rate of Force Development (RFD) is a measure of explosive strength, and higher RFDs have been linked with better athletic performance.

Peak Height Velocity (PHV)

Child Growth peak height velocity

Peak Height Velocity is the time when adolescents grow the fastest, and should be monitored regularly for athletic development.

Post-Exercise Stretching

Post-exercise stretching may boost recovery by reducing soreness, and increasing flexibility and blood flow.

Basic Movement Patterns

Basic movement patterns

Basic exercise movement patterns are exercise classifications that are the foundations of exercise selection.

Post-Activation Potentiation

Post-activation potentiation (PAP) is a short-term improvement in performance (e.g. jumping) due to conditioning exercises (e.g. squats).

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