ForceDecks: A Dual Force Plate System by VALD
Trusted by thousands of teams and organisations worldwide, VALD’s ForceDecks Dual Force Plate System is widely considered the world leader.
Fitness testing is used to measure an individual’s physical fitness and health status (e.g., athletes). When you measure an athlete’s physical fitness, you better understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Fitness tests may also be called fitness evaluations, fitness assessments, or performance assessments.
Trusted by thousands of teams and organisations worldwide, VALD’s ForceDecks Dual Force Plate System is widely considered the world leader.
Strength training increases muscle mass, bone density, and joint stability, whilst reducing the disease development. Read on to explore how.
The sit and reach test is used to evaluate the degree of movement available at both the hamstring and lower back.
VO₂ max is used to determine cardiovascular fitness by calculating maximal oxygen uptake during aerobic activity.
Adding what is called the ‘anaerobic speed reserve’ to your aerobic test data can help take athletes’ conditioning to the next level.
While sports technology continues to develop at a rapid rate, there are simpler ways to monitor your exercise intensity. One of these old-school methods is the Talk Test.
Delve into the science, validity, reliability and practical recommendations for using skinfold calipers to measure body fat.
The isometric mid-thigh pull test is a reliable way to test maximal strength and has been shown to correlate with vertical jumps and sprints.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) can estimate body composition (e.g. fat mass and fat-free mass) via a small electrical current.
Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scans can be a valuable assessment tool for measuring body composition (e.g. levels of body fat).
The Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test (MSLHST) is a clinical method used to examine the balance capabilities of an athlete, one leg at a time.
The Modified Bass Balance Test is a clinical method for the assessment of functional jump-landing balance performance.
The Static SJ-IMTP is an accurate and reliable measure of an athlete’s Dynamic Strength Index but it can be problematic to conduct.
Hydration testing is used to determine an athlete’s body fluid balance, and can prevent serious performance and health deficiencies.
Maturation should be measured in youth athletes to properly monitor their growth and well-being as athletes.
Learn from a world-class coach how you can improve your athletes' agility. This course also includes a practical coaching guide to help you to design and deliver your own fun and engaging agility sessions.
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